Dab tsi yog qhov sib txawv ntawm whiskey thiab brandy? Tom qab nyeem nws, tsis txhob hais tias koj tsis nkag siab!

Kom nkag siab txog whiskey, koj yuav tsum paub cov kav dej tau siv, vim tias feem ntau ntawm cov cawv ntawm whiskey los ntawm ntoo txaws. Txhawm rau siv qhov sib piv, whiskey yog tshuaj yej, thiab ntoo muaj cov hnab tshuaj yej. Whiskey, zoo li Rum, yog txhua tus tsaus ntuj. Keeb xeeb, tag nrho cov dab distilled yog yuav luag pob tshab tom qab distillation. Qhov uas yog vim li cas lawv thiaj hu ua "lub hwj huam tsaus ntuj" vim tias lawv tau rho tawm saj thiab xim los ntawm cov thoob txwv. Kom nkag siab txog nws saj style, koj tuaj yeem xaiv cov cawv uas haum rau koj. Lub sijhawm no, nws tseem yooj yim yuav tsis meej pem los ntawm cov neeg dog dig, qhov sib txawv ntawm whiskey thiab brandy. Tsis txhob hais tias koj tsis nkag siab tom qab nyeem nws!

Qee zaum thaum kuv tuaj rau hauv khw caw, seb nws yog lub teeb dej haus lossis haus dej dawb thiab xav kom muaj dab tsi xaiv, txawm tias kuv xav tau ib daim npav dub lossis kev ua si. Tsis tau hais txog cov hom, ob qho tib si yog cov dab distilled nrog qib ntau dua 40 degrees. Qhov tseeb, Whiskey thiab Brandy kuj tseem yooj yim kom paub qhov txawv ntawm cov saj buds. Feem ntau hais lus, lub aroma thiab saj ntawm brandy tej zaum yuav muaj zog thiab qab zib, vim tias cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv.





Whiskey siv nplej xws li Malt, nplej, nplej, nplej thiab pob kws, thaum brandy siv txiv hmab txiv ntoo, feem ntau txiv hmab. Feem ntau cov ntxhw feem ntau muaj hnub nyoog nyob hauv cov ntoo ntoo, tab sis brandy tsis tas. Yog tias koj tau mus rau Fabkis txoj hmoov av, qee thaj chaw nplua nuj nyob rau hauv Apples thiab pears muaj brandy. Lawv yuav tsis muaj hnub nyoog hauv cov ntoo ntoo, yog li cov xim yog pob tshab. Lub sijhawm no kuv feem ntau tham txog brandy, uas yuav laus nyob rau hauv ntoo ntoo thiab brewed nrog txiv hmab. Vim tias nws yog brewed nrog txiv hmab txiv ntoo, brandy yuav yog me ntsis kev sib luag thiab qab zib dua li whiskey.


Muaj cov sib txawv ntawm cov txheej txheem distillation. Whiskey tsuas yog siv lauj kaub lossis txuas ntxiv. Tus qub muaj lub zog tsw muaj zog, tom kawg yog tsim nyog rau huab hwm coj ntau lawm tab sis qhov tsw yog yooj yim poob; Thaum brandy siv cov hauj lwm prente autistillation. Fabkis (charendais distillation), qhov qab kuj tseem muaj zog, Chanac) thaj chaw muaj nyob rau hauv thaj chaw cog qoob loo ntawm cognac (cognac (cognac), cognac), tus Vim li cas yog sib npaug hauv Champagne.

Tus kawg yog lub thoob thiab lub xyoo. Nws tau hais tias ntau dua 70% ntawm qhov qab ntawm whiskey los ntawm lub thoob, thaum lub suab sib txawv (whiskey hauv Tebchaws Asmeskas siv cov ntoo tshiab ) Cov ntoo qhib), yog li nws tau txais cov tsw ntawm cov cawv uas nws tau ntim. Raws li rau Brandy, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cognac, cawv ntawm Oak Barfels tseem yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws. After all, the taste and color come from the barrels, and the role of the barrels is like a tea bag. Ntxiv mus, cognac stipulates hais tias cov khoom siv raw siv rau hauv lub thoob yuav tsum tau oaks los ntawm 125 txog 200 xyoo. Tsuas yog ob txoj kev sib tw Fabkis tuaj yeem siv rau cognac laus oak chim ntoo qhib - quaer pedunculata thiab quercus sessiliflora. Feem ntau ntawm cov ntoo ris yog ua los ntawm tes ua, yog li hauv cov nqe lus ntawm tus nqi, cognac yog kim dua whiskey.

Nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm kev laus, muaj cov nce thiab poob. Whiskey muaj "Angel cov kab ke" rau kev hloov ntawm cov cawv txiv hmab, thiab cognac kuj muaj "La Tshooj Des anges" nrog yuav luag tib lub ntsiab lus. Nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm hnub nyoog, Scotish txoj cai lij choj tau hais tias nws tuaj yeem hu ua whiskey tom qab nws tau laus rau ntau tshaj peb xyoos hauv Oak Barels. Xav tau cim nrog "NAS" (tsis muaj hnub nyoog-nqe lus).

Raws li rau cognac, tsis tas yuav kos lub xyoo. Hloov chaw, nws yog cim nrog VS, VSOP, thiab XO. VS txhais tau tias 2 xyoos hauv cov ntoo ntoo, thaum vsop yog 3 txog 6 xyoo, thiab xo yog tsawg kawg yog 6 xyoo. Hauv lwm lo lus, txij li qhov kev pom ntawm cov lag luam thiab kev tswj hwm, nws yog tau tias Whiskey nrog lub cim cim feem ntau yuav muaj hnub nyoog ntev dua li cognac. Tom qab tag nrho, 12-xyoo-laus whiskey tam sim no yog tam sim no los ntawm cov neeg haus dej raws li kev haus dej dav dav, yog li cas muaj peev xwm 6-xyoo-laus cog qoob loo? teeb meem. Txawm li cas los xij, qee qhov kev yeej Fabkis ntseeg tias Cebnac tuaj yeem ncav cuag nws lub ncov tom qab 35 txog 40 xyoo ntawm kev ua laus cog qoob loo muaj qib no hauv ntau xyoo.




Lub sijhawm Post: NOV-01-2022